Modern Doll Quilt

Completed 2015

This cute modern doll quilt set I made for my granddaughter in her requested colour - pink! Don't you just love going through your stash and sorting out all the possibilities for your next project - I do!

My daughter asked me to make a new set of bedding for their dolls cot as their puppy ate the last set a year ago! Don't you just love puppies!! Fortunately I had made the last set over 8 years ago and it had been thoroughly loved (even by their puppy).

I love everything from start to finish, making up these wee quilts. I began with a google search of cute modern doll quilts and selected about 12 that I liked. Then with my daughter's help I selected the one that appealed the most and also suited the wee pieces of fabric I had.

I chose a very simple quilt design that allowed me to use up small pieces of fabric. Each small square is cut 1½" x 1 ½" to finish 1" x 1".  The inner border again was cut 1¼" wide and the outer border width was cut so that the quilt fit the dolls cot it was being made for.

I will be making a few more quilts and pillows to go with this doll quilt bedding set and will add them here as I complete each one. At present I plan to make:

  • rag quilt
  • rag cushion
  • minky blanket
  • top sheet
  • a couple of throw cushions
  • new mattress cover

I hope my gorgeous granddaughter loves them as much as I love making them!


Bella loving her new doll blanket set. I love the photo showing her trialing them out herself!!

These 2 rag quilt and matching rag cushion are not the most favoured of the set. When I visited her today they were very definitely discarded for the other quilt and cushions in this set. Don't you just love how honest wee children can be!!

A wee minky quilt that she loves so much she wouldn't let it stay in the wendy house outside. It's used as the blanket for her favourite toy.

A few wee cushions to add to the bedding fun!!

The cushion on the left was made out of a lone block I made several years ago to trial a block pattern I had designed using EQ7. I was pleasantly surprised that the colours matched and it sewed up so well.

Below are a couple of photos showing some of the bedding together.

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